February (Page 2)

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_WGtIFkZpIIH7V9XiZuaHxszh5kFb52my9eKab6mB4 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Binlaswad Store متجر بن لسود New Order You’ve received the following order from نوال الهايف: [Order #8910] (February 25, 2023) Product Quantity Price CM200L (#CM200L) 1 SR1,739 Subtotal: SR1,739 Shipping: استلام من فرع الرياض VAT: SR261 Payment method: حوالة بنكية Total: SR2,000 Billing address نوال الهايفممم mhmd.sayid2@gmail.com Shipping address نوال الهايفممم © binlaswad – All

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_4PT6cKKIcfh6i29oyqzjBVJ7iqfYWYbRkqz0wlJtGiQ Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Binlaswad Store متجر بن لسود New Order You’ve received the following order from نزار الصباغ: [Order #8909] (February 25, 2023) Product Quantity Price SCD6500 (#SCD6500) 1 SR3,304 Subtotal: SR3,304 Shipping: استلام من فرع الرياض VAT: SR496 Payment method: حوالة بنكية Total: SR3,800 Billing address نزار الصباغممم mhmd.sayid2@gmail.com Shipping address نزار الصباغممم © binlaswad – All

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_MB9eRanK5GfuDwYPKW7O87xAKMaB7aLooOmyg82U Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Binlaswad Store متجر بن لسود New Order You’ve received the following order from عبد الرحمن الوهيد: [Order #8908] (February 25, 2023) Product Quantity Price CM200L (#CM200L) 1 SR1,739 Subtotal: SR1,739 Shipping: استلام من فرع الرياض VAT: SR261 Payment method: حوالة بنكية Total: SR2,000 Billing address عبد الرحمن الوهيدممم mhmd.sayid2@gmail.com Shipping address عبد الرحمن الوهيدممم ©

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_5rRuDiD56PYz48IoWK7kt0oyG00aN4wDPuWjFSFT9bw Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Binlaswad Store متجر بن لسود New Order You’ve received the following order from صدى الصخور للخرسانة: [Order #8907] (February 25, 2023) Product Quantity Price CM200L (#CM200L) 1 SR1,739 Subtotal: SR1,739 Shipping: استلام من فرع الرياض VAT: SR261 Payment method: حوالة بنكية Total: SR2,000 Billing address صدى الصخور للخرسانةممم mhmd.sayid2@gmail.com Shipping address صدى الصخور للخرسانةممم ©

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_qN6AkErMw9XDalnoxPHF8N6CIp49YX8CytS5FeNl9UU Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Binlaswad Store متجر بن لسود New Order You’ve received the following order from عايض البقمي: [Order #8906] (February 25, 2023) Product Quantity Price SCD6500 (#SCD6500) 3 SR9,913 Subtotal: SR9,913 Shipping: استلام من فرع الرياض VAT: SR1,487 Payment method: حوالة بنكية Total: SR11,400 Billing address عايض البقميممم mhmd.sayid2@gmail.com Shipping address عايض البقميممم © binlaswad – All

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_kcVJEwpIUBLfXI7wrwcdE5UvZIvmGSNaBV6ovK7u0c Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Binlaswad Store متجر بن لسود New Order You’ve received the following order from محمد الاسمري: [Order #8905] (February 25, 2023) Product Quantity Price SCR-80HG (#SCR-80HG) 1 SR913 Subtotal: SR913 Shipping: استلام من فرع الرياض VAT: SR137 Payment method: حوالة بنكية Total: SR1,050 Billing address محمد الاسمريممم mhmd.sayid2@gmail.com Shipping address محمد الاسمريممم © binlaswad – All

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_BZz2zSoLjk1vYNMLj7k3ZW9dLHYGvhYMBHc8yG1m2a4 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Binlaswad Store متجر بن لسود New Order You’ve received the following order from نورة السهلي: [Order #8904] (February 25, 2023) Product Quantity Price SRGE10000E (#SRGE10000E) 1 SR3,652 Subtotal: SR3,652 Shipping: استلام من فرع الرياض VAT: SR548 Payment method: حوالة بنكية Total: SR4,200 Billing address نورة السهليالتحويل 4500 ريلممم mhmd.sayid2@gmail.com Shipping address نورة السهليالتحويل 4500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_U2u6urWXmtSL9M3gOORPHiryV2Qj5VmELfvyMzLyM Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Binlaswad Store متجر بن لسود New Order You’ve received the following order from دعيج البرقي: [Order #8903] (February 25, 2023) Product Quantity Price SCF1000HGa (#SCF1000HGa) 1 SR1,200 Subtotal: SR1,200 Shipping: استلام من فرع الرياض VAT: SR180 Payment method: حوالة بنكية Total: SR1,380 Billing address دعيج البرقيممم mhmd.sayid2@gmail.com Shipping address دعيج البرقيممم © binlaswad – All

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_7en4hVcViOoxwJtjA847H8MEMYzAiTYUSsUvN56gtU Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Binlaswad Store متجر بن لسود New Order You’ve received the following order from وليد اليحيى: [Order #8902] (February 25, 2023) Product Quantity Price GP4500i (#GP4500i) 1 SR3,478 Subtotal: SR3,478 Shipping: استلام من فرع الرياض VAT: SR522 Payment method: حوالة بنكية Total: SR4,000 Billing address وليد اليحيىممم mhmd.sayid2@gmail.com Shipping address وليد اليحيىممم © binlaswad – All

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_LroRXNkBlP3IEtcQtBX2xcVB3GhXpcX9GcfYMhvBTA Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Binlaswad Store متجر بن لسود New Order You’ve received the following order from ماجد الفوزان: [Order #8900] (February 25, 2023) Product Quantity Price S7500CXS-4 (#S7500CXS-4) 1 SR4,200 Subtotal: SR4,200 Shipping: استلام من فرع الرياض VAT: SR630 Payment method: حوالة بنكية Total: SR4,830 Billing address ماجد الفوزانممم mhmd.sayid2@gmail.com Shipping address ماجد الفوزانممم © binlaswad – All

The Binlaswad Company has been in business for more than 50 years in the area of wholesale trading of Agricultural equipment and its spare parts.


Saturday-Thursday: 9am to 12:30pm - 4pm to 8:30pm
Bab Makkah, Jeddah, KSA
+966 530307054